Lesson 2: Connecting LED. Making Traffic light

In this lesson we will work with LED, learn how to connect wires to Arduino, and Upload a code.

Hardware parts for this lesson:
  • Arduino board
  • Breadboard
  • LED
  • 220 Ohm resistor
  • 2 pieces of jumpers (wires)
Breadboard comes as grid of slots. In a picture below you may see parallel lines with numbers 1,2,3,.... In each line there is 5 slots. Be careful, grid with "a,b,c,d,e" slots are different with "f,g,h,i,j" slots. On sides +/- grid, which comes through the length of breadboard.

Image result for breadboard scheme
Schematic diagram:

Scheme on breadboard:

Note: every LED has Anode - Cathode sides. Anode (plus) side, always is longer than Cathode (minus) side. Resistors do not have plus or minus sides, you may connect it with any side.


void setup()
  // initialize 13 pin as output
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  //give HIGH signal to 13th pin, which means turn on
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

  // pause on 1 second

  //give LOW signal to 13th pin, which means turn off
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);

  // pause on 1 second

When everything is finished, just upload your code and watch the result.

Self-task: Take 2 more LEDs and make "Traffic light". Do not forget to take 2 more resistors for LEDs.


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