
Showing posts from December, 2018

Lesson 3: Working with Buttons

Now you can work with LED light, and know some features of Arduino and Breadboard. Let's add some interactivity to our lessons. Presenting you... BUTTONS Here is how we place buttons on the Breadboard After you place the button, you have to be sure that it holding tight in its place. You can make simple example like shown in Scheme, you connect one side of the button to the 5V and other side will be connected with 220 Ohm resistor, which connects led. LED finishes the connection with Ground. Without programming code you may see that LED will turn on if you press the button, and turn off when you release the button. By this actions you can understand that your Scheme is working. Let's repeat previous example but it will work separately. We need to connect Button and LED to different input pins. Let it be 2nd pin for Button and 8th pin for LED. Note: you'll need 10K Ohm resistor on one side of the button, connection of wires are made in cross way. ...

Lesson 2: Connecting LED. Making Traffic light

In this lesson we will work with LED, learn how to connect wires to Arduino, and Upload a code. Hardware parts for this lesson: Arduino board Breadboard LED 220 Ohm resistor 2 pieces of jumpers (wires) Breadboard comes as grid of slots. In a picture below you may see parallel lines with numbers 1,2,3,.... In each line there is 5 slots. Be careful, grid with "a,b,c,d,e" slots are different with "f,g,h,i,j" slots. On sides +/- grid, which comes through the length of breadboard. Schematic diagram: Scheme on breadboard: Note: every LED has Anode - Cathode sides. Anode (plus) side, always is longer than Cathode (minus) side. Resistors do not have plus or minus sides, you may connect it with any side. Code: void setup() {   // initialize 13 pin as output   pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void loop() {   //give HIGH signal to 13th pin, which means turn on   digitalWrite(13, HIGH);   // pause on 1 second   delay(100);  ...

Lesson 1: Intro to Arduino. Working with LEDs

Let's first of all start with presentation about Arduino. And then we will begin to mini projects. Task 1: For this task we will need only Arduino UNO and USB cable. Connect Arduino board to the computer. Open Arduino IDE software. Select your board type: Select the port: Upload the program: In the result you may see Blinking LED next to 13th PIN.